March 18 2019 0Comment
Replacement windows in Citrus Heights, CA

What You Didn’t Know You Were Missing With Replacement Windows

Have you ever received a gift from someone…something you weren’t sure you really needed…but then you found yourself using it all the time? It was that one thing you didn’t know you were missing out on and now you’re so glad you have it. Replacement windows in Citrus Heights, CA might be just that thing. You aren’t a window expert, so you can’t really say whether or not you really need them for your home. But once you have them installed, you’ll realize what your home and your lifestyle was missing—good windows. Here are just a few things you’re missing out on when you have old windows that need replacing:  

True Comfort 

You may not recognize just how uncomfortable your home is until you experience the true comfort that comes with replacement windows. Sure, you notice the drafts, but you just grab a sweater or put on slippers. But when you have replacement windows, the temperatures in every room of the house even out and you are truly comfortable. You have the temperature you want at all times and in every room.  

Lower Bills 

You probably notice your high energy bills and possibly even the fact that they keep going up. But what do you do? You have to pay it or they turn your electricity off, right? Well, what you don’t realize is you’re missing out on much lower bills. You can enjoy low energy bills just by getting replacement windows. Yes, the windows cost upfront, but you save so much every month that you can pay yourself back for that investment and enjoy the comfort that comes along with the energy efficiency as well. And, the lower bills are here to stay.  

A Fresh Appearance 

You might not notice that your house looks older and more worn because you see it on a daily basis. But once you break down and get new windows for efficiency purposes, you’ll recognize that you have a beautiful, fresh, new-looking house on your hands. You’ll have better curb appeal right away, but the appearance change doesn’t stop there. You get fresh aesthetics inside your home as well—in every room of the house that features new windows. You may not have thought your home needed an update, but once you have it—wow.  

Are you ready to get the gift that you may not know you need, but can definitely use? If you still aren’t sure about Citrus Heights, CA replacement windowscontact the professionals at Window and Door Shop, Inc. by calling (916) 252-4100. During a free consultation, we could come to your home and take a look at your old windows. We’ll give you our expert advice as to whether or not you could benefit from new windows. We make it our policy to tell you only what we would do if your house were ours. If you don’t need replacements, we’ll say so. Visit with us in our showroom at 1717 Bell St, Sacramento, CA 95825. 
